Top podcasts to inspire mental positivity

There’s no question that podcasts have taken the world by storm, with more than 2 million active podcasts currently available worldwide! Talk about having a taste for every craving. So if you’re looking for some inspiring and positive content to boost your mental wellbeing while you sweat it out at the gym or sit in traffic, look no further than these top-rated podcasts.  

Whether you’re interested in personal development, positive reinforcement or want to learn how to be more mindful, these shows will leave you feeling motivated and uplifted.  


The Science of Happiness 


If you’re the type of person who loves knowing how things work, this podcast is for you. Along with inspiring mental positivity, this podcast takes it up a level by discussing the research-tested strategies behind the most successful positive mental patterns to help you achieve a happier and more meaningful life. 


Podsitivity with Jolie Hales


Does listening to the news always manage to tank your mood? Beat the news blues by taking a moment to listen to this podcast. Host Jolie Hales shines a spotlight on the good that exists in the world through true stories about kindness, perseverance and hope told by the people who lived it. If you need a positive pick-me-up, you just found it.  


How To Fail With Elizabeth Day


Do you ever have those moments where nothing goes to plan and you feel like an utter failure? If so, you’re in good company. In this incredible podcast, host Elizabeth Day talks to guests about their three biggest “failures” in life and how they learned from them. If you could use a lesson in celebrating life’s so-called failures, this is the one you need. 


Ten Perfect Happier


Hosted by journalist Dan Harris, this podcast explores the various factors that can block joy and positivity and what to do when you encounter them. With a focus on the benefits of mindfulness and meditation, you can learn the mental tools to overcome negative thought patterns hampering your ability to function at your best.   


Nothing Much Happens


This one is sure to put you to sleep – in the best way! Created as a bedtime story for adults, host Kathryn Nicolai tells a feel-good story in which nothing much happens to help stressed-out adults fall asleep quicker and easier. If your sleep cycle is erratic and out of sorts, tune in to Kathryn’s sleep-inducing podcast for a better night’s rest to boost your productivity. 


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